the Amazon review section for one of the Eric Helm books, someone, I suspect a
Marine because of the term he used, accuses me of having served, at best, in a
rear area in Vietnam. Ignoring the fact that there were no real rear areas,
though some areas were safer than others, I took offense at this. Since that
man didn’t provide his name, hiding behind his keyboard identity, I thought I
would provide, in short segments, the chronology of my active duty service duty
the Vietnam War.
the risk of revealing my true, advanced age, I graduated high school the day
before my 18th birthday in June 1967. In July, I was on a bus headed
to Fort Polk, Louisiana, for basic infantry training and in October, I was
assigned to Fort Wolters, Texas, for my AIT, advanced individual training,
which was as a helicopter pilot. From there I was sent to Fort Rucker, Alabama,
to complete that training. In August 1968, as a 19-year-old teenager, I was
appointed a warrant officer and then graduated from flight school as a helicopter
September 23, 1968, I arrived in South Vietnam. We landed at Ton Son Nhut and
were herded aboard buses that had no air conditioning. We all were covered with
sweat within minutes of leaving the aircraft. The bus had screens over the open
windows, but the pattern was something like an inch square. It wouldn’t keep
out the insects. Someone said it was to keep out the grenades, and someone else
said, “Yeah. Now they tie fishhooks to them.”
Saigon we drove to Ben Hoa, Long Binh complex and the 90th
Replacement Battalion, which I mention because I suspect almost no one who
didn’t service in the Army in Vietnam would know that. From there, a day or two
later, I, with three other warrant officers, was assigned to the 116th
Assault Helicopter Company at Cu Chi.
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Kevin Randle in Vietnam. |
During that first week, I flew rarely. There was an orientation flight to show me the local area. There was a check ride to ensure that I knew what to do if the engine quit, and to demonstrate my other skills. When that was completed, I was assigned to a flight, and then began flying combat assault missions. That meant that we picked up soldiers in one place, took them to another and landed. While many of those missions were without incident, some of them were more than a little exciting. Nothing beats sitting in a pick-up zone to evacuate soldiers while the enemy pumps small arms fire into the flight. You’re sitting in a plexiglass encased cockpit, easily visible to the enemy and have no recourse but to sit there as the windshields break and the instrument panel disintegrates.
of the first night missions I flew, as what was known as a peter pilot, meaning
that I was the copilot, was into an PZ we knew was going to be hot. The
soldiers were taking fire and we were going to extract them. There were tracers
flying all over the place. Red ones from our weapons and green and white ones
from the enemy. They dropped a few mortars on us as well, which erupted into a
shower of sparks and had that been just a little more colorful, it would have looked
like fireworks.
took some hits, but most of the damage was superficial. One of the aircraft, if
I remember correctly, was left in the PZ. The engine had been hit and failed.
The crew was picked up by another aircraft, which means that they abandoned the
aircraft and ran to one of the others. The gunships, which had been working
over the tree lines and enemy positions, took it out with rockets, setting it
on fire to prevent the enemy from getting anything of value from it.
were on the ground for thirty seconds to one minute as the soldiers scrambled
onto the helicopters. Our door gunners and crew chiefs used their M-60 machines
in an attempt to suppress the enemy fire. They aimed at the muzzle flashes of
the enemy weapons.
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Landing at the PZ. Photo copyright by Kevin Randle |
I mention all this because someone who didn’t know me could make comments about
my service in Vietnam. Unlike literally millions of others who claim Vietnam
service but never set foot in-country, I was actually there and engaged in
combat operations. In the future, I’ll write about more of my service in
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